Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Test Prep?

Hello! Long time, no type! This is, of course, the busiest time of the year. In North Carolina (at least in my county) we will begin testing next week and so everything seems to be in an intense worp speed time zone! This always brings up test prep. I often wonder how different schools or districts prep for tests? I have taught at two schools, one of the schools I taught at  had an INTENSE test prep. An hour a day per subject of straight problem solving, working on passages. I tested in three subjects, so our day (for a month before testing) was devoted to test prep. At my new school it is based on the teachers decisions and how they feel test prep needs to be handled. How about your school? How does it work in your district or school?

Friday, May 3, 2013


OK... as stated before, I have NO idea how to do linky's, work on them, link them, create them! Nothing! I attempted to complete Farley's linky for the "Currently"!! I have no idea if I did it correctly, but can I get an A for effort?
I have no idea!

Listening- I have two awesome kids! Louis is 6 and currently in the first grade and Samantha is 2 and she is a little pistol. I love listening to them and hearing all the crazy things that kids like to talk about at home!

Loving- I LOVE TeachersPayTeachers. I have found such wonderful resources and blogs through this amazing site! As soon as I can link up to people (when I figure out how) I will definately be giving some shout outs to some awesome teachers!

Thinking- I have very recently started considering this option, I wasn't too sure for a while about what I wanted to do, and what I wanted to do it in. But I have a serious passion for reading. I love to read, I love to teach reading, and I love to teach about reading. So I'm thinking of starting a Masters in Reading program at the local university, Methodist. I received my undergrad degree there and really loved it!

Wanting- What girl doesn't always want new shoes?!?!? I wear a size 12 (WHOA!! Right?) and shoes are so hard to find in my size! So I feel as if I am always wanting/needing new shoes!

Needing- Currently we are very involved with differnent community organizations between baseball and church, being on the board for our local baseball league, and just plain old work that I feel like I NEVER get enough sleep!

Summer Bucket List- I currently teach at a year round school, which means only 4 weeks of summer vacation. So during the summer my bucket list is never that long, but I really want to have more station ready (you know, printed, cut, laminated, etc.) before school begins for us, which will be July 18th!

If you want to read more Currently's, check out Farley's blog (oh' boy 4th grade) and read some awesome blogs!
And in some wonderful news, I won a giveaway! I feel as if I should give some background. I never, and I mean never, win anything! I was having pretty bad day (I caught some kids doing the big c.... cheating), I just so happened to check Antonia's blog over at forkin4th and saw that I WON!!! I was so excited! I can't wait to get my email of goodies! If you haven't checked out her blog, you should! It's wonderful.

Bye Y'all!!


Thursday, May 2, 2013

I have to start this by saying, it has been hard to transition from a blog stalker follower, into a full fledged writer! I wish I would have been a little more "on it" about writing blog posts! But new goals can be made, right? I have TRULY enjoyed this year so far in the fourth grade, it has been such an excellent adjustment from where I was before. I really love my school, team, and students. This year has given me such a boost about the teaching field, my expectations, and the successes of my students. I am looking forward to continuing. I'm so excited now, compared to where I was, I am even going to graduate school. A lot of the happiness I have with teaching comes from stalking the blogs and reading about experiences other teachers have. Also being able to take some of the ideas (okay.... A LOT of the ideas) that have been posted on the different blogs I am reading and adjust them to how I teach!

Please bare with me during this blogging evolution, I have no idea how to participate in linky's! So things like currently, fab five for friday, etc. I am going to try!!! But I'm not sure what to do! Most importantly I'm looking forward to the comrardie I read about between the different bloggers! Welcome and I hope you stay with me :)